Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Day After Christmas


Ben got his ipod and was crazy about it, loved his headphones a bunch too!
He got me an iphone and I stupidly restored it that night by plugging it in to my computer...found a guy that could fix it for me though, so thank goodness!

Everyone had a really good time, minus a bit of drama.  It sucks that it happened, but it's over and done with.  Nothing to do about it now.

Had Christmas Eve pizza with my family here and opened presents (I'd post pics, but the one above is the only one loading right).  Everyone got along and was really happy with everything they got.  I got a cute new pair of jeans and an easel for painting. 

Ben and I left and went to his house to watch A Christmas Story and hang with his family.  The kids went to bed afterward and I helped get the stockings ready.  Tried to figure out how to fix my iphone (yeah right, I'm technologically impaired.) and then went to bed.  Opened presents with Ben's family and hung out there for awhile.  Got some cute owl stuff!

Went back to my parents' house for Christmas Day festivities.  Was pretty fun, I hung downstairs quite a bit.  Everyone left after a bit and Ben and I met with some friends at Halfway for our dinner.  It's tradition.

I've been hanging out with my mom all day, just relaxing.  I'm waiting on Ben now to head up to the city to see some friends and actually hang out as a group.  It's mostly been split up lately.  He watched the game at his parents' house and is going to watch 1/2 of another game too I guess.  I just want to get out and moving to get my phone fixed.  *sigh*

I'm going to try and figure out times and such and get the rest of my day figured out. 

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