Thursday, May 10, 2012

In the past week:

*I have had more doctor's appts for Delilah and I than I'd like.
*I'm feeling MUCH better.
*I've been cleaning out the house.
*My laptop stopped working.
*Delilah went from not being able to sit up independently to only wanting to sit that way.
*Had Ben's birthday party.
The sweet HAND CARVED pipe I got him FROM THE UKRAINE!

Singing to the birthday boy!

I hope he made a sweet wish!
*Walked as much as possible.
*Continued to make my reminder lists for Missouri.
*Gotten annoyed by people on facebook attacking one another.
*Organized the massive amounts of breast milk in my freezer.
*Taken pictures of Delilah.

*Spent too much time on my phone.
Made these to hang in Delilah's room.

This and the following are an order I got from a girl here in Clovis.  

*Played with my dogs.
*Hung out with Ben.

I wish I had time to write a post that wasn't just a list with some pictures, but so it goes.


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