Still have lots of thoughts running through my head that I can't quite sort out. Slowly but surely, I'm getting there, just something I have had to actively work on.
Picture update time:
This is what happens when Delilah doesn't feel good, and I'm entirely OK with the cuddles. If I can make her feel better, I'll do it. |
Everyone who matters loves my mom. |
Got Christmas pictures done. I mostly send them to friends and Ben's side of the family. I've got a few people on my side of the family that I send them to, but many I just leave out. |
Playdate with Jude! |
He love sharing his stuff with Delilah. It's so sweet. |
My favorite silly face she does. It cracks me up, so she does it a ton! |
Got lovely pedicures and leg massages with my wonderful friend Vanessa. A much needed girl's night. |
Yippee! I wrapped Delilah's big birthday gift. I'll let her open it at her party. |
This is what happens when we got to Target and Vanessa says, "Want to look at ornaments?" We end up with a tree, tree skirt, ornaments, tags?, etc... |
Went to a church auction/Thanksgiving dinner. Delilah loves to play with her friends and they all just charmed the room while I got to bid! |
I got her this wonderful handmade wooden bench! LOVE it. |
It's getting super cold outside, and even though my car heats up super fast (because it's an awesome Honda Element), I made her a car blanket to keep her all snuggly. |
Shopping at Sam's Club with these 2. |
Otis is so obnoxious and annoying, but he's also a sweetheart and I love him. |
Sometimes, when she's good...I let her ride the horse at Walmart. 50 cents is a small price for the look on her face as she gets to ride the horsey. |
I love her more than anything ever. |
Helping us start Thanksgiving lunch! YAY! |
No, I couldn't wait a day to put up decorations. I had to put them up right after dinner, and it was awesome. |
My simple wreath I made. |
Little tree with lots of presents. |
My grandma made this years and years ago. It's my favorite decoration. |
Delilah loves the santa hat and scarf. |
I stupidly had to get out on Black Friday for a couple necessities I had run out of. This person was waiting for 5 min for a spot that wasn't even close to the front of the store. We made eye contact and she still didn't move. |
Lilah wanted to wear a sling like Mommy. |
I'm making this. |
Yeah, that's about it. I have a great life.