Sunday, February 8, 2015


Had a super productive week. I feel like I'm kind of getting back in the swing of things...either that, or I'm just working through any stress by cleaning and organizing my house!  

Made it to the gym 3 times in the week and then of course TODAY, my FAVORITE day.  I made some leaps from last week and upped my weight on almost everything.  I did 110lbs with my back squats!  I'm really proud at the progress I'm making and really thankful to Amanda for being an amazing workout partner.  I also super appreciate the fact that Ben has been taking Delilah on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I can make it to the gym.  He hangs with her during his lunch time, even if he can't leave the office.  Really great that he's supporting me on this.  I don't do a whole lot of stuff that is just for me, so this has been incredibly wonderful.  

We had an impromptu trip to Heidelberg on Saturday.  The sun was out, and even though it was cold, we decided to get out for a hike.  Ben found a cool trail that led to an old amphitheater that the Nazis used to recruit students from the local University.  
The trail to get there was incredibly steep and hard. I don't think anyone expected it to be as steep as it was!  Ben carried Delilah in our kid backpack the whole way up while I trailed far behind.  Gotta get my stamina back for future hikes!  I don't think the cold or my congestion helped the situation much.  
Sign for the amphitheater
In the doorway to the amphitheater
Panorama of the amphitheater
We walked around the trails some more and found some cool old buildings.

We walked back down and drove to the city center to see the river, a cool old bridge, and have some dinner.  

Panorama of the bridge and part of the river.
On the bridge

We didn't go to the castle this time, but we had an awesome view of it from the bridge!
It really was a wonderful day.

Waffle or Yogurt and fruit

Quinoa salad
Boiled eggs/crackers&cheese/veggie

Crockpot chicken and dumplings
Breakfast (eggs, sausage, English muffin)
Spaghetti (maybe meatballs too)

Mixed veggies or fruits

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