This world is a beautiful place. Time to start remembering that.
I've decided to put all my excess energy (what energy??!) into some new crafts. My first one is a new painting involving a different medium. I'm going to use scrapbook paper for parts of it and use Modge Podge to add some texture. I'm hesitant to start because I really want it to work out. I've also got a painting idea in my head for Grandpa Ward, but I haven't started that yet either. I guess I need to get them out of my head and onto some canvas, right?
Saw True Grit with Ben. It made me cry at the end. I can't really explain very well WHY it made me cry, because the ending wasn't sad. I just will feel so strongly for a movie that I won't be able to let it go for awhile. Same thing happened with Inception. I couldn't shake my sadness at that movie. Schindler's List....felt sad for DAYS. I just have a hard time with movies like that, but True Grit was different. Everything was wrapped up, but something just stuck with me.

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