When I first started watching Glee, it was about a group of diverse kids who were social outcasts for different reasons, yet they all happened to be great singers.
It was a dorky show about show choir. I was down with that.
The past year, it has done nothing but focus on gay kids, bullying of gay kids, kids coming out of the closet, etc...Last episode, Rachel even called Kurt "her gay". In EVERY episode, that is one of the main focuses. It isn't just about bullying, it's about bullying the gay kids. No more about bullying all around or any other major story line. Last season it was all about Kurt (who is so stereotypical it makes me want to vomit) and his dealings with being gay and bullied. Now it's Santana. I turned it off last night when they were all worried about her because of the recent and very real story of the kid who made a "It Gets Better" who killed himself.
OK, GLEE, WE GET IT. You could be bullied for being gay. GREAT.
What about the rest of the kids who get bullied in school?
I'm a teacher, and I see kids get bullied for EVERYTHING. No one is immune to it.
Instead of coddling kids and creating ridiculous anti-bullying (and money wasting) programs, teachers/parents/kids need to get involved themselves. Bullies won't ever go away...no program or Lady Gaga is going to stop it. ADULTS bully one another every day. You have to learn how to deal with it.
There are really horrible people in this world, and sometimes you just have to deal with them. Put on your big girl panties and suck it up. Hell, I was bullied for being so pale, and I'm STILL self conscious about it. I was bullied in the 7th grade because I didn't have a lot of money. It actually progressed into the girl CONSTANTLY getting into my face, putting ice cream in my hair, and being a horrible person. Finally, enough was enough. I threw her across a lunch table.
Yes, I had enough and took matters into my own hands.
I stopped being a victim and quietly taking it.
She stopped bullying me after that.
Sometimes, you have to stand up for yourself and not expect others to do it for you. Become a stronger person and take care of your own business.
And again, it isn't just gay kids getting bullied. That shouldn't be the main "bully agenda issue" that people focus on. If they're going to waste money on programs like this, they should be teaching kids how to be strong individuals instead of trying to tell people NOT to bully.
Some people are just always going to be assholes...an anti bullying program isn't going to stop that.
So halfway through, I turned off Glee and cancelled my timer for it on my DVR. I'm tired of the same story plot.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Why is it so important for some people to announce that they are spending money, or announcing how MUCH they've spent? It's really classless and off-putting, and it doesn't make anyone envy them. Do they see that, or is the need to try and impress people so great that they are blinded by what they're saying? I'm always more impressed when people (myself included) find great deals and get things for cheaper than the normal price. I love sales and coupons!
Moving on....
Still having a great time with my mom being here! We've been crafting, visiting, and just having a good time. She's making some little softies for Delilah, an elephant and a Christmas giraffe. They are ADORABLE. She's also got some booties made and all they need are the laces. Pretty freaking adorable. I love handmade stuff so much!
I've also been making more bows, no pictures right now though. I did finish a canvas for her room though:
I've got an owl one in the works too.
Going back to work tomorrow, not looking forward to all the comments:
"OH! You didn't have the baby!" and comments similar to that....
Moving on....
Still having a great time with my mom being here! We've been crafting, visiting, and just having a good time. She's making some little softies for Delilah, an elephant and a Christmas giraffe. They are ADORABLE. She's also got some booties made and all they need are the laces. Pretty freaking adorable. I love handmade stuff so much!
I've also been making more bows, no pictures right now though. I did finish a canvas for her room though:
Going back to work tomorrow, not looking forward to all the comments:
"OH! You didn't have the baby!" and comments similar to that....
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
My mom is in town!
Mom made it in town on Tuesday afternoon!
She got to go see my classroom and kids, meet some of my coworkers, and see where I work. It was pretty awesome! She headed back to the house to take her stuff in and see the pups. She got settled in and got to rest before Ben and I got home.
Ben and I had my 39 week check up that day...not dilated yet. I was a bit disappointed, but I guess Delilah just isn't ready to make her appearance yet.
Mom and I took all the dogs for a walk...Otis, Rilo, AND Karma! They walked together in a pack and did really well. I'll get a picture on the next one we go on. No walk today, Mom and I were out all day, and were so tired!
We went:
to the tower and got a tour from Ben.
to the rapconn and got a tour from Joe and Daun.
to the BX/Commissary and got coffee and a bagel and then shopped.
to Hobby Lobby to get some ribbon and felt.
to the mall to make a return and shop around.
(at the mall, we were in Dillards and saw three kids being herded back to the customer service area. Apparently, their mom was missing. The kids had walked away while their mom was in the fitting room...leaving them unattended outside...and they couldn't find her. They had actually tried going outside the store to check the car! They said she was wearing a green shirt, so mom and I looked in the store...which isn't very big...for a woman in a green shirt. No such luck. She wasn't in the fitting rooms either. I think the mom just left her kids there! Mom and I talked and we would have been screaming for the mall to be locked down until we found our kids...and no one even knew it was happening. So sad.)
to Lowes to get L brackets for the shelves I made earlier this week:
She got to go see my classroom and kids, meet some of my coworkers, and see where I work. It was pretty awesome! She headed back to the house to take her stuff in and see the pups. She got settled in and got to rest before Ben and I got home.
Ben and I had my 39 week check up that day...not dilated yet. I was a bit disappointed, but I guess Delilah just isn't ready to make her appearance yet.
Mom and I took all the dogs for a walk...Otis, Rilo, AND Karma! They walked together in a pack and did really well. I'll get a picture on the next one we go on. No walk today, Mom and I were out all day, and were so tired!
We went:
to the tower and got a tour from Ben.
to the rapconn and got a tour from Joe and Daun.
to the BX/Commissary and got coffee and a bagel and then shopped.
to Hobby Lobby to get some ribbon and felt.
to the mall to make a return and shop around.
(at the mall, we were in Dillards and saw three kids being herded back to the customer service area. Apparently, their mom was missing. The kids had walked away while their mom was in the fitting room...leaving them unattended outside...and they couldn't find her. They had actually tried going outside the store to check the car! They said she was wearing a green shirt, so mom and I looked in the store...which isn't very big...for a woman in a green shirt. No such luck. She wasn't in the fitting rooms either. I think the mom just left her kids there! Mom and I talked and we would have been screaming for the mall to be locked down until we found our kids...and no one even knew it was happening. So sad.)
to Lowes to get L brackets for the shelves I made earlier this week:
I also made the bows! |
to Walmart to get a few last minute things.
Then we went home. We ran around a LOT today, and had a BLAST.
Made deviled eggs and green fluff for Thanksgiving tomorrow. First year in 3 that I'm not making a turkey, which kind of makes me sad (because I make the BEST turkey), but I don't want to be in charge of the main dish and then go into labor. That wouldn't be good.
I made salmon for dinner, and then Mom and I just sat at my bar and crafted all night. I made 2 bows for Delilah...one which I'll use, the other was just a first time trial. Here's the bow I'm going to use:
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It's for her Christmas outfit! |
All in all, it's been a pretty slamtastic day.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Adventuring in New Mexico, surprise baby shower, AND Breaking Dawn
Yesterday, there was a planned power outage in our neighborhood, so Ben and I decided to go off exploring. We drove West into New Mexico and stopped to take pictures of the interesting things we saw. Ben really has an eye for detail.
Here are some of my favorites:
It was a REALLY good day. I love spending time with him.
I took some pictures of stuff we found too, just with my iphone:
Last night I got together with some ladies here in town to go eat at an Italian restaurant and go see Breaking Dawn. Little did I know that it was actually a surprise baby shower for me!
When I walked in and saw the baby plates and napkins, I actually thought, "Awww, who is having a baby?" (Um, duh, me...9 months and almost 3 weeks....)
I got some really cute gifts and the thoughtfulness really made me tear up!
All in all, a very successful day/evening.
Here are some of my favorites:
I took some pictures of stuff we found too, just with my iphone:
This stuff is AMAZING |
Our favorite place was an old abandoned church. |
When I walked in and saw the baby plates and napkins, I actually thought, "Awww, who is having a baby?" (Um, duh, me...9 months and almost 3 weeks....)
I got some really cute gifts and the thoughtfulness really made me tear up!
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Presents! |
Cupcakes! |
D for Delilah |
All in all, a very successful day/evening.
Friday, November 18, 2011
My friend is such an awesome photographer!
These are just a few previews of the maternity pictures she took...aren't they AMAZING?!
She posts a lot of her work on her blog: http://bloggtreat.blogspot.com/
These are a few things you shouldn't say to someone who is pregnant:
"When are you going to pop?"
I'm not a damn balloon, so I'm never going to pop. I am, however, going to give birth soon.
"Are you scared?"
Would it matter if I was? Labor/Delivery is going to happen anyway...and if I was scared, would I want to share it with every random person?
"You're crazy to not want drugs!"
Why? Because I think that women have been giving birth for a VERY LONG TIME and are capable of bringing a baby into the world without subjecting it to all the risks of drugs just so I'm more comfortable? I'm not going to outright deny that I will end up getting an epidural, but it's definitely not what I want.
"You're big!" (Or any other statement like that)
Obviously having a baby=gaining weight and having your torso swell. Hello, I've got a person growing inside of me...I'm obviously going to look different. I have felt great throughout my entire pregnancy and have taken measures to make sure that I'm eating right. I'm not unhealthy, and statements like that imply that people think that I am.
"Aren't you ready?"
Yes, I'm actually really excited to meet my daughter. Why wouldn't I be? Am I ready? That's a dumb question.
"Oh, it's just your hormones."
Guess what...I've been relatively calm and happy thoughout my entire pregnancy, but telling me something like that makes me want to physically hurt someone. It isn't just hormones. I'm actually under a bit of stress right now being: pregnant, about to quit work, Christmas is coming up, bills, working with an idiot, etc...So no, it's not just hormones. It's life, and I'm allowed to get frustrated with things.
In happier news, I wrapped some more presents and they look all fancy with the houndstooth print and red bows. I love it! I can't wait to get my Christmas decorations out up! Christmas is the best time of the year!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Work seems to be getting longer and longer!
Boy...work days seem like they are neverending. I was pretty exhausted yesterday, mostly because I came home and had to do all the laundry and vacuum and mop the whole house. We had company over the weekend, and the house got messy. Needed to be done, but I didn't get finished until 9pm. I don't want to do that again.
2 weeks until my official due date. I have a dr's appt tomorrow. I hope they check to see if I'm dilated at all. And I hope I am.
I have decided that I want a cricut for Christmas. I think that I'd have a lot of fun with it, and I do so many different crafts that it's probably a worthwhile investment. I'm hoping that I can find an awesome bundle...they usually have them around Christmas.
Here are some cartridges I want:
2 weeks until my official due date. I have a dr's appt tomorrow. I hope they check to see if I'm dilated at all. And I hope I am.
I have decided that I want a cricut for Christmas. I think that I'd have a lot of fun with it, and I do so many different crafts that it's probably a worthwhile investment. I'm hoping that I can find an awesome bundle...they usually have them around Christmas.
Here are some cartridges I want:
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Jubilee Celebration |
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Hoot 'n' Holler |
Those are the 2 I've found so far. I've got a list going at work. I am designing Delilah's baby book (couldn't find one I really liked in the stores), and I am going to have some fun with it!
Well, I need to go get my cookies packed up for tomorrow's luncheon. woooooo
Night, sweet dreams!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Finally done!
YAY! Her name is done! Now we can get the nursery set up the way I want it. Gotta move furniture around this week. I'm planning on doing a lot of cleaning this week, because my mom is coming next week to help out and be here for when Delilah comes!
Wow. What a weekend.
Ok, Delilah, the wedding is over. Feel free to make your appearance at any time now! We are excited to meet you!
Went to a wedding:
Definitely one of the coolest weddings I've ever been to. Her family went all out for it, and it turned out great! Ben was the best man, and looked handsome as heck!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Some thoughts on this beautiful Sunday
I almost left my job on Friday. Has nothing at all to do with me being pregnant and being tired, it has everything to do with the person that I work with in the classroom. It's very frustrating having a degree in teaching, and not having a teaching position...while having to watch someone with a classroom be so incredibly lazy and not do any teaching. I am tired of hearing about her personal problems, I'm tired of her not teaching the kids on a daily basis, and I'm tired of being expected to do more just because I have a degree. If I was getting paid to do that, then I would, but I'm not. I'm not going to do her job and get no credit or compensation for it. I did that last year and was walked all over. It is very frustrating. Once I leave, I'm going to report all of it to the principal. It isn't fair to the kids (who are in the school because they need extra help), and it's not fair to the people that work in this person's room. Other people have actually said that they would leave the school if they had to work in the room with her. I don't know why people like this are allowed to keep their jobs when they don't do it.
After Friday, I really needed that prenatal massage (thanks for the gift certificate!). We went to Lubbock yesterday and it was absolutely amazing. I had a female masseuse. They had a heated bed that you lay on, and you stay covered up the whole time. I had my neck, shoulders, and back worked on. For the back, I laid on my side, and it felt awesome! The room was dim and there was soft music, and it was just exactly what I needed. I think I'd like one for the rest of this month! I'd never had a massage before, and it was definitely worth it. I'd like to go in after Delilah is here to get a full one, including legs and feet. Can't do that now because there are muscles there that if triggered can send you into labor early!
Finished the first letter of Delilah's nursery letters today. PHEW. I'm being so picky with them, it's taking forever. I've made my way through Vampire Diaries season 1 and almost 2 working on them. That's a lot of hours spent painting.
We're taking our maternity pictures today with the lovely Megan Haney Photography. I'm so excited about it. I'm not getting all dressed up, just jeans and a thermal. Very relaxed. I wanted to get the first letter done though so that we could add that into the pictures.
I feel really lucky that I haven't been craving anything too crazy...mostly just fruits and veggies. Honestly, I think a lot of women use being pregnant as an excuse to just go crazy and eat junk. You aren't eating for 2, you only need about 300 extra calories. I haven't been counting any calories, but I also haven't been eating a bunch of crap. I've been eating what I want when I'm hungry, drinking lots of water, and going on daily walks. I think that it has kept me able to keep working and being active.
Speaking of working, I don't know why people are so surprised that I'm still working. I'm pregnant, not disabled. I want to keep going as long as I can, especially because I'm not coming back to work after.
Anyway, I'm off. Gotta go get ready to have pictures taken!
After Friday, I really needed that prenatal massage (thanks for the gift certificate!). We went to Lubbock yesterday and it was absolutely amazing. I had a female masseuse. They had a heated bed that you lay on, and you stay covered up the whole time. I had my neck, shoulders, and back worked on. For the back, I laid on my side, and it felt awesome! The room was dim and there was soft music, and it was just exactly what I needed. I think I'd like one for the rest of this month! I'd never had a massage before, and it was definitely worth it. I'd like to go in after Delilah is here to get a full one, including legs and feet. Can't do that now because there are muscles there that if triggered can send you into labor early!
Finished the first letter of Delilah's nursery letters today. PHEW. I'm being so picky with them, it's taking forever. I've made my way through Vampire Diaries season 1 and almost 2 working on them. That's a lot of hours spent painting.
I feel really lucky that I haven't been craving anything too crazy...mostly just fruits and veggies. Honestly, I think a lot of women use being pregnant as an excuse to just go crazy and eat junk. You aren't eating for 2, you only need about 300 extra calories. I haven't been counting any calories, but I also haven't been eating a bunch of crap. I've been eating what I want when I'm hungry, drinking lots of water, and going on daily walks. I think that it has kept me able to keep working and being active.
Speaking of working, I don't know why people are so surprised that I'm still working. I'm pregnant, not disabled. I want to keep going as long as I can, especially because I'm not coming back to work after.
Anyway, I'm off. Gotta go get ready to have pictures taken!
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