Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Kids are taking the science portion of the test today.  Some of the questions are actually difficult.  I had to really stop and think about it.  Of course, it’s been 7 years since I was in a science class that wasn’t biology. 

Things that I will NOT miss about Clovis, NM:
  1. The high gusts of non-stop wind.  Seriouslydo I really need 55mph wind on my coifed hair?
  2. The smell of: the cow farms and the factories.  One of them near the highway sometimes smells like cat urine.  BLECH.
  3. The high number of illegal immigrants.
  4. The lack of stop signs at 4 way stops.
  5. The stick tights in the grass.
  6. Red dirt.
  7. DRY DRY DRY weather.
  8. Tumbleweeds.
  9. The lack of restaurants.
  10. The lack of shopping, unless you want to drive 2 hours.

Things that I WILL miss about Clovis, NM:
  1. A certain few people I’ve met while here.
  2. My job.
  3. Familiarity.
  4. American roads.

Ok, it’s seriously sad that I can only think of 4 thingsand 2 of them aren’t just for ClovisIt really is true that the people you meet make your experience what it is. 

Things I will miss doing with people here in Clovis:
  1. Having Thursday night dinner/TV with Brandon and Alexis.
  2. BBQs in the summer at Colsie and Cooper’s.
  3. Friday night dinner/movie with Pete and Barnes.
  4. Wine nights with the ladies.
  5. Scrapbooking days/nights.
  6. Painting with Alexis.
  7. Hangover IHOP.
  8. Saturday nights with the crew.

It will be different, and I’m going to miss most of these people a lot, but it’s a new adventure for Ben and I, and I’m excited to be taking it with him. 

Things I hope to do before leaving Clovis, NM:
  1. Go to Carlsbad Caverns.
  2. Go to Red River again.
  3. Go to the zoo/aquarium in Albuquerque.

Three main things I want to make sure I do before I leave.

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