Monday, August 29, 2011

I thought about something today...

Earlier this year, I began to pull away from a lot of the goings on with a lot of people I was hanging out with.  I have branched out, but I've also stayed close to home and enjoyed spending time with Ben.  He and I seem to have a better time out when we're with one another rather than separated.
Since then, I have had no problems with being sucked into the different things that go around.  There must be a connection there.  I have learned to protect what I say to people here because it's often misheard or retold incorrectly.  I don't like it when I have to explain myself later on, especially when the information is from another source and has gotten it wrong.  I haven't had any problems lately, and I'm really enjoying it.

I realize that my temper is slightly elevated since I've become pregnant (although I do control it instead of just using it as an excuse and making those around me miserable).  I think it's good for me that I've distanced myself from a lot of what was bothering me.  I lost a couple of good friends earlier this year (moving on to other bases or leaving while the spouse is deployed), and since then, I have just made the choice to not become too involved with anyone (new or old) here to keep the problems at bay.  I do not need any extra stress in my life.  I'm happy to say that everything has been relatively calm!

Don't get me wrong, I know that I'm probably talked about and gossiped about, but it doesn't bother me because I'm not involved in the least bit.  People talk, and that's all there is to it.  You've got to learn to accept it, especially being a military wife.  I'm sure there are a couple that haven't gossiped, but I'd rather just stick with what I'm doing now rather than getting sucked up into all of what goes on and erupts at least 2-3 times a year.  There are a couple people that I would love to get together with (and still do, schedule permitting), but that's strictly on a one on one or mixed party basis.

I hate to be so vague, but I don't want to put anything out there, even on my personal blog.

That's all on that subject, just wanted to express my happiness at a bad situation turned into good because of some good choices on my part.


I'm really glad that I found the blog
It brings insight into people losing their minds once they have kids...and facebook is involved.  I can only hope that once little Delilah Jean (yes, we named her!!!) is born, I can not be one of THOSE parents that share WAY to much on facebook...or make really self-absorbed statements expecting people to do without or something similar just because I'm a mom.
Here's an example of a post on the wonderful 'wives' group' page for our base:
(The post was about a scheduled power outage in a neighborhood close to mine)

Me: Of course Chavez West was out too. Right at the time when people are getting ready for work and school. Makes a lot of sense, right? Couldn't have done it later on in the day? We've got some winners scheduling stuff here...

A sane person: Danielle i agree with you. its hard to get kids ready for school when you have no power. my hubby was in the shower when the power went out and he almost fell bc it was dark in the bathroom. they should learn to do it when everyone is sleeping or at wk.

Me:Exactly...and if they are going to do it to Manor AND West, they should have said that. It's 2 different areas. Stupid timing.

Self-absorbed SAHM:It was a given we were going to b affected I planned on being a part of it from the start! They did it in the morning cause it is a lot cooler and I am sure they didnt want the people who dont have jobs and r home all day to not have central air!! I thank them for that much specially when you have a baby heats up quickly n the house even in the early morning!

Me: Oh I planned for it too. I think you'd be ok for the hour that it was off. We lost it a couple times over the summer for several hours one time and my house stayed cool. (and that's saying something, because I'm pregnant and get hot easily.) I still think it would have been more beneficial to accomodate those that have to work early (which is most of the people in the neighborhood) and those that get kids off to school at that time. Common sense.

As long as she wasn't effected by the outage, it was OK.  Nevermind her husband (and all other airmen) getting ready for work at that time, the moms getting the kids out the door (first week of school), and the wives who are still working outside the home.  As long as it didn't effect her!  So silly.

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