Got my new gauges! I forgot to take a picture with the vamp ones yesterday, but here's my tiger striped ones:
Super cute, right? |
Ben and I went to Amarillo yesterday with the express purpose of picking up my laptop from Best Buy.
While we were there, we:
1. Got drinks from Starbucks.
2. Went to World Market and got some gnochi, chips, salsa, and a big wok skillet.
3. Went to Old Navy where I found 2 new pairs of skinny jeans that make my legs look great and are actually tight around my ankles. (HUZZAH!) They were on sale for $25 and then the lady in the fitting rooms gave me a coupon for 25% off!Jeans that were normally $30 a piece ended up costing me $40 total for both!
2. Went to PetSmart, got some stuff for Margot. I swear, Ben spoils that cat to death.
3. Went to the mall and got some free undies from Victoria's Secret. I love those damn coupons they send out in the mail.
4. Walked around the mall seeing if there was anything else I wanted. Ended up going into Payless and buying a super cute new purse.
5. Went into Wet Seal, but came out empty handed.(It's hard to shop with a boy)
6. Got dinner at Chick-fil-a (YUM! Wish there was one closer to where I live!)
7. Picked up my laptop from Best Buy. At first, the guy working couldn't find it. I almost had to become enraged because they've called me like once a day for the past 5 days (ummm, hello, I live 2 hours away, it's not like I live across the street!) and then if they couldn't find it....well, it would have been REALLY bad for them.
When we got back, we let the pups out, petted all the animals, and then headed over to Lynell's house cause her sister and brother-in-law are in town. For the most part, I guess it was OK, but MAN....sometimes the conversations people have are so damn boring. I find myself zoning out because a lot of these people have NOTHING of value to say.
Today, Ben and I are having a lazy day. (That's our Sunday ritual)
We're going to start watching Dexter, but he's been on the phone all morning, so I'm just waiting patiently.
Now for some more wishlist stuff: